The registro contains an Editorial Introduction which explains the provenance of the text, and the method of presentation

The registro contains an Editorial Introduction which explains the provenance of the text, and the method of presentation

Con the three works contained per this elenco, written con 1797–8, Bentham offers a detailed exposition of his plan for the reform of the English poor laws. Mediante ‘Pauper Vertici Improved’ and the closely related ‘Situation and Relief of the Poor’ and ‘Outline of a rete informatica entitled Pauper Dirigenza Improved’, Bentham proposes the provision of poor relief per 250 Panopticon Industry Houses, each accommodating 2,000 people, owned and managed by a joint-giacenza company, the National Charity Company. The dependent poor were onesto be occupied primarily mediante the production of their own subsistence, while the Company’s viability depended on the indenture until the age of 21 of a rapidly expanding number of children, whose divisee productivity would cross-subsidize the provision of relief esatto the sick and the elderly. Bentham presents his Principles of Direzione (all intended esatto unite interest with duty), proposes the provision of Appropriate Establishments for people with disabilities (intended preciso enhance their productivity, and thereby their life-chances), describes the educational syllabus sicuro be provided esatto pauper children, and compares the imparfaite strengths and weaknesses of public versus private provision of relief. The texts are fully annotated with textual and historical notes, and the volume is completed with detailed subject and name indices.

The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham

The Bentham Project has so far produced twelve volumes of Bentham’s correspondence, publishing all known letters up sicuro June 1828. The thirteenth and fourteenth volumes currently sopra preparation will complete the series, ending with Bentham’s death con 1832.

Colonies, Commerce, and Constitutional Law is per major theoretical analysis of the harmful effects of colonies on commerce and constitiutional democracy, and is one of the most important studies of colonialism written in the nineteenth century. It contains Bentham’s essays entitled ‘Emancipation Spanish’, ‘Rid Yourselves of Ultramaria’, ‘Summary of a Work Intitled Emancipate Your Colonies’, and ‘Observations on the Restrictive and Prohibitory Commercial System’.

Bentham addresses the relationship between different ‘aspects’ of the legislator’s will, such as command, prohibition, and permission, and con so doing develops verso ‘logic of the will’ which anticipates modern deontic logic

Of the Limits of the Penal Branch of Jurisprudence, written con 1780–2, is per continuation of An Introduction sicuro the Principles of Morals and Legislation, and thus part of the introduction sicuro the projected penal code on which Bentham worked per the late 1770s and early 1780s. The rete di emittenti emerged from Bentham’s attempt puro distinguish between civil and penal law, which led him into an exposition of the nature and scope of an individual law and an analysis of such key legal terms as power, duty, right, property, contract, and conveyance.

The writings collected in this volume make an important addition onesto The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham. They lend credence preciso Bentham’s claim that his ideas were appropriate `for the use of all nations and all governments professing liberal opinions’. The essays, dating mainly from late 1822 and early 1823, are based exclusively on manuscripts, many of which have not been previously published.

Con the essays presented in this libro Bentham lays down the theoretical principles from which he develops his proposals for reform of the English poor laws mediante response sicuro the perceived crisis mediante poor relief per the mid 1790s. In `Essays on the subject of the Poor Laws’ Bentham seeks esatto justify the principles upon which entitlement to relief should be grounded. He moved beyond the commonplace indictment of idelness and cocktail puro recognize that unemployment, ill health, old age, pregnancy and childbirth constituted a standing threat to the viability of the families of the rural poor. He envisaged the provision of medical care, and of ante- and post natal services onesto the independent poor, and the establishment of midwifery schools sopra per national system of workhouses. Per `Pauper Systems Compared’ he presents verso sustained comparison between home relief and institutional relief, onesto the detriment of the former, above all for its severance of the link between subsistence and labour. He believed that his panopticon poor houses, whilst centrally scenes of laborious industry, would also be havens of hygiene, cleanliness and good order. The polemical `Observations on the Poor Bill’ is a lively critique of the Bill introduced into the House of Commons by William Pitt durante 1796. The ideas advanced here by Bentham were per significant influence on Edwin Chadwick, and through his mediation, on the Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834. The essays are based almost entirely on manuscript sources, and are published here for the first time durante definitive form.

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